
Speak not the words
you would not follow
-The Oculatum

The silver tongue
may often talk in tarnish
-The Oculatum
A true word
shall not harm the speaker
-The Oculatum
Words of honor do not scar
-The Oculatum

Speaking is a beautiful folly:
with that man dance over all things.
How lovely is all talking and all the deception of sound!
-Friedrich Nietzsche

In truth we talk only to ourselves, 
but sometimes we talk loud enough that others may hear us.
-Kahlil Gibran

Everything I say, be talk, nothing be an advice.
I would not speak as boldly as if one had to follow me.

Does my speech nourish me
or does it weaken me?

If you keep talking,
you will end up saying what you didn't intend to say.
-Yiddish Folk Saying

It is extremely ignoble
to speak ill of others.

If you speak negatively
you can expect that often you will be ignored and misunderstood
and have only a small amount of influence.
-Wu Wei

Reflect before you speak.
A foolish mouth can brand your soul.
-Yunus Emre

I like people who refuse to speak
until they are ready to speak.
-Lillian Hellman

Learn to control your tongue
and say to yourself:
"If I don't watch what I say,
I will never possess the real power of the Word.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Before you speak, ask yourself:
is it kind,
is it necessary,
is it true,
does it improve on the silence?
-Sai Baba

Speak the truth.
Speak kindly.
Speak what is pleasant.
Speak what is helpful.
Speak what is needed.
Speak with intention.
Speak without criticism.
Speak independently.
Speak well.

Never say anything
that you do not wish to be true for yourself,
for another person, or for circumstances.
-Roy Eugene Davis

He has ceased from rough words,
he holds himself far from rough words.
Words that are without offence,
cordial and urbane that delight many,
that encourage many: such words he speaks.
-Julius Evola

The most important things to say
are those which often I did not think necessary for me to say -
because they were too obvious.
-Andre Gide

Respectful to everyone in the world,
he speaks ill of none.
-Narsinh Mehta